Written January 27, 2019
Isaiah 25:6–8 "On the mountain, God will serve a feast" Matthew 11:28–30 "Come all who are weary" Revised Common Lectionary Year A One: Come, all who are thirsty. All: The hour has come One: Come, all who are weary and heavy-laden. All: The hour has come One: Come to the Lord's table, come to the mountain of the Lord, come to the party. All: The hour has come One: In this place, today, for us, the Lord has made a feast of fat things, a feast of well-aged wines. All: The hour has come One: A feast of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. All: The hour has come One: Come to the party, all who are thirsty, for I shall give you wine. Written Jan 20, 2019
Matthew 5, Beatitudes and turn the other cheek Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday Leader One: We come to worship a God who redefines strength... Leader Two: Blessed are the meek... One: ...a God who pushes the mountains flat and pulls the valleys level. Two: ...for they shall inherit the earth. One: We come to worship an unexpected, counterintuitive God... Two: Blessed are the peacemakers... One: ...a God who turns us away from our instinct to lash out, our longing for revenge. Two: ...for they will be called children of God. One: We come to worship a God who asks an awful lot of us... Two: If someone strikes you on the right cheek... One: ...but a God who does not leave us alone, who walks with us in a human body, who took the greatest of risks, and rose to joyous life. Two: ...offer them your other cheek also. One: So come. Two: Come to worship God. This is a set of Calls to Worship and Prayers for Advent. I wrote them in 2018 (RCL Year C), but aren't tied particularly to the lectionary. Rather they are tied to a theme of waiting in honest expectation for God to arrive, to make good on what God promised.
Written October2018
For a service of lament over the Doctrine of Discovery Menno Heritage Day materials Leader: Come. You are welcome here, as everywhere, in the faithful presence of God. Sit. Listen. Breathe. This presence is a gift. All: We breathe in the gift of joy. Leader: Bubbling, beautiful joy that bursts from our lips in song and laughter. Joy in this earth, for the blessed bustle of beings that make their homes here. All: We breathe in the gift of hope. Call to Worship
Ecclesiastes 3, "To everything there is a season," based on the Inclusive Translation Written for New Year's Day 2019 One: Come to worship, welcome in the turning of the year. For there is a time for everything, a season for every purpose under heaven. All: We welcome the turning One: A season to be born, to plant, and mend. A season to die, to harvest, and tear. All: We welcome the turning One: A season to hurt, tear down, and mourn. A season to heal, build up, and dance All: We welcome the turning One: A season to seek and keep. A season to lose and throw away. All: We welcome the turning One: A season for holding close and a season for holding back; All: We welcome the turning One: Come to worship. Welcome in the turning of the year |
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