Be Right Here
Artist: Alison Casella Brookins Lyrics: Here; right here; be right here Type: Unison, Loose round Notes: Starting note C#. This one is good with a drone, or a Shruti box. Can be sung in unison, or layered, either precisely as demonstrated in the recording, or loosely with a drone accompaniment, with each person singing the words repeatedly, coming in whenever they want, creating a tapestry of sound. A good song to sing before prayer or before a practice like confession. Encourages us to ground and center ourselves here and now. Welcome to the Arms of God
Artist: Alison Casella Brookins Lyrics: Welcome to the arms of God Welcome to the hands of Christ Sing welcome to the Spirit she is coming even now Welcome, welcome home Type: Round, Unison Notes: Starting note: C. Simple welcome song, sung to each other. One Foot/Lead With Love
Artist: Melanie DeMore Lyrics: "You gotta put one one foot in front of the other, and lead with love" Type: Echo verses, unison chorus Notes: For whenever you need power to persevere. Rhythmic, good for singing on Zoom, marching song. Lay Me Low (link to teaching video)
Artist: Shaker text, music by Daniel Schwandt Lyrics: "Lay me low where the Lord can find me...hold me...bless me..." Type: Unison or echo Notes: Love this one. For times when we need a reminder that the lowest places are exactly where God is most present. Often use this one at Longest Night, Good Friday, etc. In This Circle
Artist: Joan McMillan Lyrics: "In this body no fear, in this body safety, in this body greatest happiness, in this body deep peace. In this circle/family/city/country/world..." Type: Unison Notes: Woof this song hits me in the gut, in the best of ways. Starting with "in this body," and drawing the circle larger and larger, this trauma-informed song embodies the necessity of safety in our own bodies to be able to offer safety to others. I use this song in my own prayers all the time, and I've used it as a congregational prayer. I'm listening
Artist: LEA Lyrics: "I’m listening. I am listening. Spirit speak to me. My ears are wide open, my eyes are now open, to see what I may be. I’m listening. Spirit speak to me?" (full lyrics under video) Type: Unison Notes: I've used this with just the first part, leaving out the (for me) harder to sing second part. Good for moments of discernment, for singing before scripture or sermon, etc. I Am Here in the Heart of God
Artist: Erin McGaughan, arranged by Chanda Rule Lyrics: "I am here in the heart of God, God is here in the heart of me, like the wave in the water and the water in the wave." Full lyrics can be found here Type: Echo Notes: The mystical indwelling of God in all things and all things in God. Celebratory relishing of presence. |
This work by Alison Casella Brookins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. AuthorAlison ArchivesCategories